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    Why did my husband and I join the King Street United Church of Christ in 1974? Let me start with my childhood in Milford, Conn. where I grew up as a Roman Catholic, the faith of my father’s family for generations.  We attended a large church where I really didn’t know anyone. I learned all of the prayers. They still bring me comfort as I say them each night as I fall asleep. But other than catechism instruction, I had no other connection to the faith. My last step as a Roman Catholic was my wedding at St. Gabriel’s church.

    My Girl Scout Troop met at the Milford Congregational Church (UCC). I was drawn to the atmosphere of love and happiness there. Several of my friends attended there and got to take part in outreach projects, choir, and the Christmas pageant. My mother and I enjoyed the beautiful candlelight service each December and the church fair each summer. Members or not, everyone was welcome there. Children were important. People of all ages and backgrounds worshiped together and helped in the community.

    When Steve and I moved to Danbury in 1974 we knew we wanted to worship God in a small church. And there it was, just a few miles from home. We loved King Street Church from the start. The feeling of a community caring about one another impressed me. The pastor’s sermons often made a connection between God and my personal life. I still reflect on a Sunday’s sermon during the rest of the week. We raised three children at King Street. They participated in worship, church school, outreach projects, and confirmation. They still have fond memories of church members who showed an interest in their lives.

    My family has always felt at home at King Street. I’ve been involved as a church school teacher, church school superintendent, deacon, and choir member.  I’ve served on two pastoral search committees and currently chair the outreach board. 

    Church membership at King Street is more than showing up for an hour each Sunday. Everyone knows they’re welcome there. Our differences make us better. Worship can be a joyful experience of prayer and praise. You can carry that experience with you when you go out the door. Surely the Lord is in this place.


On June 2, 2013, we voted to become an Open & Affirming congregation. This is a designation for congregations within the United Church of Christ that have gone through a process of education and exploration in order to declare themselves to be welcoming of all God’s children.  MORE>




201 South King Street

Danbury, CT  06811

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