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Jesus didn’t wear a necktie; you don’t have to, either.  But if you enjoy dressing up, go ahead — some of us do.  (It sort of depends on what time we got out of bed and whether we had to make breakfast.)  Dress in whatever way makes you comfortable (Heck.  We even have a special Sunday where we all wear our PJ's).  Remember!  Everyone's invited for "snacks and chats" after worship.  It's always a great time to meet and greet each other and get details on what's happening at King Street.


Children up through 8th grade during the school year are invited to leave for Sunday school during the final hymn and meet for 45 minutes following the Sunday service.  We have nursery care year-round.  


We think worship should touch the head and the heart. We also think it should be interesting, challenging, comforting, fun, traditional, not traditional, contemplative, informal, laugh-out-loud funny, potentially life-changing, and not just a spectator sport. That’s our goal. We can’t do it all every Sunday, of course, but we do think we have great music and powerful preaching to draw us in and send us out.


Our weekly worship service is at 9:30 every Sunday morning. You will hear the adult choir most Sundays (except July and August), and often the children’s choir, our seasonal bell choir or other excellent musicians that add to the variety.   We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month, in addition to special services. We serve open communion, which means that absolutely everyone is welcome.  You do not need to be a member of this church or any church in order to participate.

Our church is wheelchair-accessible and equipped with audio for those who have hearing difficulties.   If you or your family member has special needs, please let us know how we can make worship more accessible for you. There are two gender-neutral restrooms on the main level.


Worship Service

SUNDAY - May 12, 2024


Our faith is a journey. Sometimes, we can see the way ahead. Other times, we get lost in the fog. Ultimately, though, we're called to keep moving, trusting God's spirit to guide us.

Listen to more sermons on Rev. Paul's YouTube channel

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